Sadler Court Cheshire
Supported housing offers a lifeline for thousands of people with disabilities. Despite supported housing losing a significant amount of investment Homelife continues to invest in specialist supported housing for people and organisations.
Good quality supported housing can improve people’s health and independence and help ease the pressure on other services, including the NHS, social care and the criminal justice system. It helps people with social inclusion, plays a critical role in preventing ill health or the escalation of a person’s support needs, empowers people to achieve their potential, and provides a place for people to live independently.
The place is very important, and it is equally important that the design, development, and construction of the housing has integrity. Integrity is important as supported housing should not be seen as a quick fix, this is someone’s home and it requires thought and careful consideration to make sure that it works for someone.
Sadler Court is designed so that there is a block of six apartments built over three floors. There are only two apartments on each floor so there is the benefit of a community of six people living within the building but a person only has one neighbour so the configuration is intimate. There is an on-site staff hub and so care staff are only a couple of minutes away when someone requires support.
We give thought to the appearance of our properties so that they blend into the surrounding neighbourhood, and so that they look attractive for people living there. Most critically, to meet current and future need, we ensure high-quality, effective housing is in place for all those who need it in the future. We believe this will ensure that sustainable supported housing is there for everyone.